Say no to incontinence

BLT Emsella is a breakthrough treatment for incontinence. It is a FDA cleared treatment for incontinence. Scientific research has shown that 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life.*

Now available at Olive Branch Family Medical Center.

*HIFEM Technology Can Improve Quality of Life on Incontinent Patients. Berenholz J., MD, Botros G., MD

Request a consultation.

Who is the right candidate?

Sit and experience the breakthrough treatment for incontinence.

BTL EMSELLA is a great option for men and women of any age who desire solution for urinary incontinence and improvement in their quality of life.

We will tailor a treatment plan for you. A typical treatment takes about 30 minutes and you will need about 6 sessions, schedule twice a week.

Request a consultation.

We offer same day appointments that fit your busy schedule.

Dr. Edward Eldred
Board-Certified Physician

BLT Emsella – a breakthrough treatment

Need to see a Doctor today?

Need to see a Doctor today?

We offer same-day appointments because illnesses rarely follow your schedule.

Contact us now for an appointment today – 662.895.4949.

Call 662-895-4949 to schedule a demo of Emsella or Emsculpt Neo.
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